
On Lifesteal, our economy is focused around "Coins", the digital currency. You can get coins by selling items like ores you've mined or items you've farmed. Once you have coins, you can use them to buy items from the server's shop or trade with other players in the auction house. It's all about earning coins and using them to get what you need to play better.

How To Earn Coins

Earning coins is simple: just sell! You can sell any type of item you can imagine, from wood, to farming materials, to mob drops, to ores. Once you have the items you want to sell in your inventory, do the /sell command, drop all the items you want to sell in the pop-up, and finally click "Sell".


The /Shop is used to buy all the items you'll ever need.

  • Overworld Blocks
  • Nature
  • Interdimensional Bolcks
  • Mob Drops
  • Food
  • Farming
  • Spawners
  • Mining

These items are sold directly by the server, which means after each purchase, those coins are gone forever!

Claim Up-Keep

Your claim only lasts an undefined amount of time until it gets destroyed! Using your coins, you can deposit them right into the up-keep counter to ensure your claim lasts for as long as you need. As your claim grows, you'll need more and more coins to keep your base safely running.

Auction House

If the shop doesn't have the items you're looking for, you can take your interests over to the auction house. Visit the auction house and see player-listed items for sale. These items can be used, over-priced, undervalued, or even rare! You can spend or gain coins by buying & selling items on the auction house, just do "/ah".

Bounty Hunter

Want someone eliminated? Well, you can head over to the bounty hunter NPC or run the command "/bounty". From there, you can spend your coins to set a bounty on a player, and the next player to eliminate your bounty receives the total coin-value prize! You can also hunt down existing bounties to win extra coins.