General Information

It's important that you follow the rules in order to avoid any punishments on the Lifesteal Network.

When playing on the Lifesteal Network, it's crucial that you do not break Minecraft TOS. Additionally, please be sensible about your actions as well as your words, and remember to speak English so your messages can be moderated effectively. Lastly, always listen to the staff team, as they are there to help maintain a pleasant community environment.

We want to keep the Lifesteal Network a welcoming and enjoyable place for all players!

Minecraft Rules

Tier 1 Punishments

Chat Spam

Repeatedly sending messages in a short time period. Overusing symbols or special characters (including emojis) excessively in messages.


Displaying rude or offensive behavior towards others.

Inappropriate Content

Using language or content that is not suitable for the server's environment. Creating structures or constructions that contain controversial, offensive, or inappropriate content.


Communicating in languages other than English, which may not be understood or moderated effectively.

Filter Bypass

Attempting to bypass/trick the chat filter to send prohibited words or phrases.


Accusing someone of cheating or using hacks without evidence.

Fake Items

Pretending to have items in the game that you don't actually possess, including attempting to sell or trade said items.

Tier 2 Punishments


Pretending to be another player by using their name or identity.

Light Advertising

Subtly promoting external social media, stores, or websites within the chat.

Alt Accounts

Using multiple alternative Minecraft accounts.

Tier 3 Punishments


Displaying harmful behavior towards other players, such as excessive insults, or other negative comments.

Inescapable Traps

Trapping players in ways that are impossible to escape.

Deliberately trapping players in Nether portals, preventing them from escaping. Trapping players in the void, leading them to their unavoidable death. Abusing bugs to kill players is prohibited as well.


Assisting another player to gain an unfair advantage or progress in the game, often through unethical means.

Tier 4 Punishments

Bug Abuse

Exploiting minor in-game glitches or bugs for personal gain or disruption.

Punishment Debate

Public arguments about punishments.

Tier 5 Punishments


Extremely inappropriate content. Adult (18+) Content is prohibited. Referencing sexual acts & body parts, gore, drugs, and other disturbing themes not suitable for children are not allowed.


Displaying prejudice or bias against certain groups of people based on factors like race, sexuality, gender, religion, or ethnicity.


Promoting external servers, social medias, or IRL products within the server's chat or environment.


Automated actions. Using an auto-clicker tool to gain an unfair advantage in player-versus-player combat by automating the clicking process is not allowed. Using automated bots or scripts to perform in-game actions. Example: Automatic farming & selling of resources within a script. Auto-clicking akin to just simply holding down a button may be allowed during farming.

IRL Transactions

Trading in-game items or resources for real-life goods or currency. Engaging in scams or fraudulent activities by trading real-life goods or currency for in-game goods or currency.

Hacked Clients

Using unauthorized software or modifications that provide unfair advantages in the game.

Account Sharing

Minecraft Accounts cannot be shared between different players. You may only use 1 account and not log into others or vice versa.


Exploiting significant in-game glitches or bugs for personal gain or disruption. Exploiting server glitches or bugs to duplicate items or resources.


Sharing or revealing someone's personal information without their consent.


Sharing miscellaneous, potentially harmful, or irrelevant links within the game.

Lag Machines

Creating mechanisms or devices that intentionally cause server lag or performance issues.

Extreme Toxicity

Displaying a harmful attitude towards other players.
Repeatedly targeting and bothering other players with offensive or disruptive behavior.

Inappropriate Account

Using offensive, inappropriate, or offensive in-game usernames, capes, or skins.


Making harmful or threatening statements towards other players or individuals. Encouraging or promoting self-harm or suicide in any form.

Complicit With Rulebreakers

Supporting or assisting other players who are cheating or breaking the rules.

Blacklisted Modifications

Modifications or texture packs that grant you an unfair advantage.

Modifications or texture packs that change block opacity are forbidden.
Modifications or macros that allow you to automate your actions are forbidden.
Modifications that alter the default abilities of a Minecraft Player are forbidden.
Modifications providing info about a player's health, location or inventory are forbidden.
Modifications that allow you to see things you can't in vanilla Minecraft are forbidden.

Examples: Freecam, Heart Indicators, Player Info Display (Armor Durability, etc.), Inventory Movement Mods, Easy Place, Mini Map, Replay Mod usage to find bases will be considered Xraying.

Blacklisted Vocabulary

Using words or phrases that are prohibited or offensive within the server's chat & environment (including discord!).